The eye cannot say to the hand, I don’t need you, for we were all baptized by one Spirit so as to form one body 1 Corinthians 12:21, 12
Ways to Connect…

Home Support and Visitation
Caring for those who are vulnerable in our family. Bridge Ministry is devoted to providing home visits for members of the Lake Bible family who are unable to attend church services, short term or long term, to help them stay connected.
Connect to Bridge MinistryHelping Hands
Are you interested in coming helping members of our body in practical ways?
Contact David Fielding at
Connections Ministry
Because We’re Better Together
Lake’s Connections Ministry connects the people of Lake to the Lord, each other, and the community. Among other tools, Lake promotes this connection using:”
- Pastoral Counseling
- Discipleship
- Lake Bible Stories (Testimonies of lives affected because they are connected to Christ)
- New Members Class
- Ministry Information and meaningful placement
- Outreach opportunities
Jumpstart your connection at Lake by contacting David Fielding.