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Mar 9, 2025
Gary Bassham
The Marks of an Effective Church

    1. Definition: Preacher - one who teaches the Word of God with exhortation
      1. Good preaching drives you further into the Word of God
      2. Good preaching inspires you to live a Christian life
      3. Good preaching changes lives
    2. The People Who Preached - Who Were They?
      1. The prophets were appointed to preach
      2. John the Baptist preached in the wilderness
      3. Jesus came preaching
      4. The apostles preached
      5. We too must preach - even though it may seem foolish
    3. What is Preaching?
      1. Most churches do not understand good preaching - it is not necessarily good entertainment
      2. What is Good Preaching?
        1. Is it supposed to make you feel good? NO
        2. Is it supposed to make you feel happy? NO
        3. Is it to try to solve all your problems? NO
      Good Preaching Is Presenting The Word In Truth So That People Can Conform To It.
    4. Our Common Denominator is the Pulpit (preaching)
      1. We all meet here
      2. We are all together
      3. In Sunday School we are split - in Bible Studies we are split
        Here, We Come Together In Unity Of Celebration As One Body.
    1. We all come from various backgrounds
      1. Some wealthy; some poor
      2. Some educated; some not
      3. Some from different states
    2. We must distinguish between
      1. Changeable and unchangeable
      2. Traditions, methods and truth
      3. Some people don’t like change
        1. Churches have split because of methods - NOT because of message
        2. 7 last words - We’ve never done it this way before
        3. Faith demands risk - challenged to change
    3. We must Continually Define Our Biblical Objectives and Purposes
      1. We must be guided by God’s Spirit
        1. A building is not sacred
        2. Our body is the temple of the Holy Spirit
      2. We must determine our need
        1. We must “scratch the itch”
  3. A CHURCH THAT HAS SUPPORT GROUPS - Home Bible Studies, Men’s andWomen’s Discipleship Groups
    1. The very dynamic which cause growth is killed by growth
      1. In the beginning everyone know everyone and each family
      2. Everyone feels they can contribute
        1. But numerical growth tends to de-personalize relationships and dilute fellowship
    2. As we grow we must decentralize
      1. We must provide vital fellowship experience in a small group setting
        1. Many churches have home studies - 1 church grew to 3,000 and had over 80 home Bible studies.
          As A Church grows - it Must Learn To Be Large - But Yet Small
        2. These home Bible studies give the individual Christian “ACCOUNT ABILITY”

Mar 2, 2025
Gary Bassham
The Marks of an Effective Church

    1. Ephesians 4:1
      1. Walk “worthy” of your calline…You are:
        • Called to serve Christ
        • Vocation is our call to serve Christ
        • Avocation is our job/hobby, to support our vocation
    2. Misconception of the Ministry
      1. A church is where the minister does everything - hired gun - the professional
    3. A Ministers Job
      1. Ephesians 4:12 “To equip you to do ministry.”
      2. Every man has a gift within the body…1 Peter 4:10 - special gift - serve Romans 12:3,6
        1. We must recognize this principle
        2. We will never be effective if we fail to use it
    4. A Total Ministry is Necessary
      1. Every member must be involved
    A Caring for one Another - Loving dynamic spirit
    1. Galatians 6:2-3: Bear one another’s burdens and fulfill the law of Christ Bear your own burdens Hebrews 10:24-25
    2. Consider the One-Another Passages (see insert)
    3. We have a major responsibility to One Another
      To people of all types
    1. How we destroy the family
      1. Our homes have become hotels - no time to have a meal together
        We live together but don’t know each other
      2. Churches
        1. Separate Programs
        2. Separate Groups
    2. Exodus 20…“Honor your father and your mother”
      1. God is serious about the family
        1. Death to those who strike their parents Exodus 21:15-17
        2. Read Proverbs 30:11-17 (Eli and his two sons)
    3. Deuteronomy 6:4-9 Our responsibility is to train our kids
      1. Too often we expect others to do it - a baby sitter? school teacher? a youth pastor?


Feb 23, 2025
George Bradley
1 Thessalonians 1-2
“Following Jesus - Through Our Fears”

Following Jesus Through Our Fears

I Thessalonians 1 & 2:v1-4; v18-20

Aaron Saetern, Fam Tzeo, Koa & Farm (Sean) Saechao, George & Mary Bradley

Local Outreach Story
Eric had never heard the gospel.

Vietnam Outreach Story
Fam, Farm, Aaron, Kao & George share Jesus with Mien (Hmong & Kimoo peoples).

Reasons for fear:

  • Jesus was horribly abused. John 1:11
  • Paul was beaten. I Thess. 2:2; Acts 16:22; 2 Cor 11:23-27
  • Thessalonians “in much affliction”. I Thess. 1:6
  • Mien persecuted: beaten, robbed, martyred

Reasons to FOLLOW and Share Jesus:

  • Because of your faith in Jesus, you work to share Him. 1:3
  • Because you love Jesus you labor to share His gospel.
  • Because you hope in Messiah you patiently endure - keep witnessing.
  • Examples of Jesus and the Twelve. 1:6
  • Glory & Joy. Luke 10:17; I Thessalonians 2:19,20

Now what?

  • Follow Jesus as ones who “ring out (sound forth) the gospel”. 1:8…while afraid.
  • Set a Goal: 1 or 2 gospel teams of two, until Jesus returns. (Our lil’ team has reached (30X50X5=7500+). You can too.)
  • Attend ABF today and see how Jesus sends us out!

Contact:; (503) 756-5958;

George and Mary Bradly Global Outreach Site

Feb 16, 2025
Jim Thorp
Philippians 1:1-11
Partners in the Gospel

  1. Introduction
    1. Definition of “home”
    2. Geography of a pencil.
    3. Missions is a partnership
    4. 3 ways to partner in the gospel: Pray, give, send.
  2. Pray: sacrifice your time
    1. Paul’s prayer
    2. Their prayers
    3. The power of prayer
  3. Give: sacrifice your wealth
    1. The Philippians’ giving
    2. God’s pleasure in their gifts
    3. How is missionary giving used today?
  4. Send: sacrifice your talent.
    1. Long-term workers
    2. Short-term workers
  5. Conclusion: Story from the global church

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