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Date Speaker Primary Text Sermon Information
Feb 23, 2025
George Bradley
1 Thessalonians 1-2
“Following Jesus - Through Our Fears”

Following Jesus Through Our Fears

I Thessalonians 1 & 2:v1-4; v18-20

Aaron Saetern, Fam Tzeo, Koa & Farm (Sean) Saechao, George & Mary Bradley

Local Outreach Story
Eric had never heard the gospel.

Vietnam Outreach Story
Fam, Farm, Aaron, Kao & George share Jesus with Mien (Hmong & Kimoo peoples).

Reasons for fear:

  • Jesus was horribly abused. John 1:11
  • Paul was beaten. I Thess. 2:2; Acts 16:22; 2 Cor 11:23-27
  • Thessalonians “in much affliction”. I Thess. 1:6
  • Mien persecuted: beaten, robbed, martyred

Reasons to FOLLOW and Share Jesus:

  • Because of your faith in Jesus, you work to share Him. 1:3
  • Because you love Jesus you labor to share His gospel.
  • Because you hope in Messiah you patiently endure - keep witnessing.
  • Examples of Jesus and the Twelve. 1:6
  • Glory & Joy. Luke 10:17; I Thessalonians 2:19,20

Now what?

  • Follow Jesus as ones who “ring out (sound forth) the gospel”. 1:8…while afraid.
  • Set a Goal: 1 or 2 gospel teams of two, until Jesus returns. (Our lil’ team has reached (30X50X5=7500+). You can too.)
  • Attend ABF today and see how Jesus sends us out!

Contact:; (503) 756-5958;

George and Mary Bradly Global Outreach Site

Feb 16, 2025
Jim Thorp
Philippians 1:1-11
Partners in the Gospel

  1. Introduction
    1. Definition of “home”
    2. Geography of a pencil.
    3. Missions is a partnership
    4. 3 ways to partner in the gospel: Pray, give, send.
  2. Pray: sacrifice your time
    1. Paul’s prayer
    2. Their prayers
    3. The power of prayer
  3. Give: sacrifice your wealth
    1. The Philippians’ giving
    2. God’s pleasure in their gifts
    3. How is missionary giving used today?
  4. Send: sacrifice your talent.
    1. Long-term workers
    2. Short-term workers
  5. Conclusion: Story from the global church

Feb 9, 2025
Gary Bassham
The Marks Of An Effective Church

    1. Definition:
      1. People with no goals are people with no direction.
      2. If you don’t know where you are going, then you don’t know when you have gotten there.
      3. There had to be a goal, so that you know what you have attained. We must have clearcut objectives. We must know what to accomplish. (Howard Henricks says: “The reason we think we are doing so well is because we don’t know what we are doing.”)
    2. Biblical Objectives Must be First
      1. Win - Teach
        1. See people converted; See people mature - preach - teach - win - train - win.
        2. We want to mature our people - we want strong families - we want a unified people. Proverbs 16:9 “The mind of a man plans his ways, but the Lord directs his steps.” We lay the plans but God chooses the direction.
    3. Evangelism - How we are going to accomplish it.
    1. Authority
    2. The Commission
    3. Ingredients - (5 E’s)
      1. Evangelism
      2. Edification (Psalm 119:9 & 11) (II Lamintation 3:16-17)
      3. Exhortation (I Lamintation 5:1)
      4. Equipping (Ephesians 4:11-16)
      5. Evangelism: Win - Build - Win
    4. The Promise
      1. God is with Us
      2. All of our Activities and ministries must be according to God’s mission
    1. Early Church
    2. Todays Church
    1. Ephesians 4:1
      1. Walk “worthy” of your calline…You are:
        • Called to serve Christ
        • Vocation is our call to serve Christ
        • Avocation is our job/hobby, to support our vocation
    2. Misconception of the Ministry
      1. A church is where the minister does everything - hired gun - the professional
    3. A Ministers Job
      1. Ephesians 4:12 “To equip you to do ministry.”
      2. Every man has a gift within the body…1 Peter 4:10 - special gift - serve Romans 12:3,6
        1. We must recognize this principle
        2. We will never be effective if we fail to use it
    4. A Total Ministry is Necessary
      1. Every member must be involved

Feb 2, 2025
Gary Bassham
The Marks Of An Effective Church

  1. A Plurality Of Godly Leaders
    1. God Lines in Leadership is Needed - Both Men and Women.
      1. Christ is the head of the church. Christ wants to use holy people to rule His church. Choose people who walk with the Lord.
      2. Unholy people get in the way.
    2. To Be a Leader in the Church One Must be a Man of God
      1. God has always used godly men.
      2. Holiness is needed.
        1. It takes time to make a man of God.
    3. Qualities of a Godly Leader
  2. Functional Goals And Objectives
    1. Definition:
      1. People with no goals are people with no direction.
      2. If you don’t know where you are going, then you don’t know when you have gotten there.
      3. There had to be a goal, so that you know what you have attained. We must have clearcut objectives. We must know what to accomplish. (Howard Henricks says: “The reason we think we are doing so well is because we don’t know what we are doing.”)
    2. Biblical Objectives Must be First
      1. Win - Teach
        1. See people converted; See people mature - preach - teach - win - train - win.
        2. We want to mature our people - we want strong families - we want a unified people.
      Proverbs 16:9 “The mind of a man plans his ways, but the Lord directs his steps.” We lay the plans but God chooses the direction.
    3. Evangelism - How we are going to accomplish it.

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